Overview: Enter the futuristic universe of Red Rising, based on the book series by Pierce Brown. Set in a dystopian society divided into fourteen castes, you represent a house aiming to rise to power by assembling followers. Will you break free from the oppressive Society or align with the dominant Golds?
Key Features:
- Players: 1-6
- Playtime: 45-60 minutes
- Ages: 14+
- Game Type: Hand-management, combo-building
- Mechanisms: Hand Management, Set Collection, Variable Player Powers
- Solo Play: Includes Automa for single-player
- Designer: Alexander Schmidt, Jamey Stegmaier (Scythe)
- Illustrators: Miles Bensky, Jacqui Davis, Justin Wong
- Publisher: Stonemaier Games
- Start with 5 cards in your hand.
- On each turn, deploy 1 card to a location to activate its benefit.
- Gain a card from the deck or other locations, adding it to your hand and boosting your score.
Thematic Elements:
- Character abilities and card interactions reflect the book series.
- Some characters pair well, while others lose points when paired with specific factions.
Game Comparison Table:
Feature/Criteria | Red Rising | Apiary | Fantasy Realms | Scythe | Wingspan | Euphoria | Rolling Realms |
Number of Players | 1-6 | 1-5 | 1-5 | 1-7 | 1-5 | 2-6 | 1-5 |
Average Playtime | 45-60 mins | 60-90 mins | 90 mins | 90-115 mins | 40-70 mins | 60 mins | 40-60 mins |
Game Theme | Sci-Fi Dystopian | Space Bees | Fantasy | Alternate History | Bird Collecting | Worker Placement | Fantasy/Farming |
Game Objective | Combo-building | Build Hive | Build Dragons | Area Control | Build Aviaries | Worker Placement | Explore/Collect |
Setting | Dystopian World | Outer Space | Fantasy World | Alternate History | Bird Sanctuary | Worker Placement | Exploration |
Game Mechanism | Hand Management | Worker Placement | Hand Management | Area Influence | Engine Building | Engine Building | Worker Placement |
Game Difficulty | Medium | Medium | Medium | Heavy | Medium | Medium | Medium |
Expansion Available | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |